03.01.2024 - New Year, New Resolutions
Katalena is much looking forward to the concerts in 2024.We are starting the season with the concert in Cankarjev dom on February 27th.
This year our focus is on preparing a new material for our 10th album which will be released in 2025.

07.10.2023 - Autumn extended weekend
In October Katalena will travel along the Ljubljana-Maribor-Celje-Ljubljana concert axis with concerts for young and old children, a classical feature, and the show Enci benci Katalenci. The exact timetable is as follows: 19.10. will play in Ljubljana at 17:00 and 20:00 at the Stari mestni elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana, 20.10. in Rožmarin, Maribor, and on 21.10. in Celje at Slovensko ljudsko gledališče Celje.Most welcome!

17.04.2023 - Oh Summer, dear Summer
We are so excited to share with you the news that we are going to play in Berlin on the first day of Summer.
The concert will be held at The Museum Europäischer Kulturen (MEK) within Fête de la Musique and with the support of SKICA.
After the Berlin concert, we will play several shows that we are much looking forward to each of them.
24.6. Dutovlje
30.6. Križevci pri Ljutomeru
1.7. Kostanjevica na Krki
6.7. Koper
7.7. Ptuj

08.06.2022 - We can't wait for August!
Why?! That's why:04.08.2022 - Katalena, Letni oder KGB, Maribor
05.08.2022 - Katalena, Kamfest
06.08.2022 - Katalena, Ankaran
23.08.2022 - Katalena, Zmaj 'ma mlade, Postojna
25.08.2022 - Katalena, Doslovče
26.08.2022 - Katalena, Tržič
27.08.2022 - Katalena, Trzin
28.08.2022 - Katalena, Ankaran
04.09.2022 - Katalena, for big and small kids, SiTi Teater Summer Stage
21.09.2022 - Katalena, Mežica
We are humbled to be able to play all these shows.
We hope you will join us. See you soon!

26.08.2021 - Katalena and the Slovenian National Youth Orchestra
Katalena and the Slovenian National Youth Orchestra performed a unique concert in Kongresni trg in Ljubljana as part of the project Only 1 Planet, a Care4Climate's loudest call for people to start taking care for the well-being of our only planet. The Slovenian National Youth Orchestra consists of 75 the most promising Slovenian musicians aged 12 to 22.The recording of the concert is available in the archive of our national television, RTV Slovenia:
Link - Part 1: https://365.rtvslo.si/arhiv/koncerti-kulturno-umetniski-program/174821178
Link - Part 2: https://www.rtvslo.si/rtv365/arhiv/P-1031479-000-0000-002?s=tv

18.06.2021 - The Plague Songs has been released
Katalena's ninth album The Plague SongsYou can buy it here: https://zalozba-pivec.com/knjigarna/kuzne-pesmi or send us an email on kultura_org@yahoo.com.

04.06.2021 - Pre-orders of a new album The Plague Songs
Dear all,We are happy to tell you that you can pre-order our new CD The Plague Songs at our label website https://zalozba-pivec.com/knjigarna/kuzne-pesmi.

04.05.2021 - New album coming out in June
The Plague Songs is the title of Katalena’s ninth album. The ensemble has been creating and performing since 2001, and the album marks their twentieth anniversary as a group.The album explores the theme of the plague as it was experienced in the past, while drawing on their own and our shared current experience. The epidemic is a challenge in human, social and health terms, and it also addresses the musicians of in the Katalena collective in terms of creative challenge. How to deal with isolation, loneliness, fear, responsibility and care in music and poetry? How to set to music and articulate the wide array of emotions and states we are being thrown into by these “contagious” times? The intertwining of the original with the folk, the dialogue between the past and the present: all this has marked Katalena since their very beginning. And it is also characteristic of their The Plague Songs.

07.12.2019 - Katalena joins with ballet dancers live
It's been a year since SNG Opera in Balet Maribor and Katalena joined for a dance tale about Kekec and now Katalena joined the ballet dancer live in the unique performance, that was a pure joy and pleasure for both, the performing artists and the audience.
07.12.2018 - Second album of the Year
Katalena released a soundtrack album for ballet show Kekec by SNG Opera and Ballet. This legendary slovene story about a courageous boy has been written a hundred years ago by Josip Vandot and the project celebrates the magnificent anniversary of a truely exceptional and very popular character.
10.08.2018 - Katalena's summer
In the summer months of 2018 Katalena are expecting our first LP. Človek ni zver (A man is not a beast) is our seventh album but first which will be released as an LP. The date of the release will be anounced soon. You can already pre-order it here: https://zalozba-pivec.com/knjigarna/clovek-ni-zver-lp-v-prednarociluAt the same time we are mixing our music for a ballet performance Kekec. A dance performance for children will be premiered on 7th of september 2018 in Maribor. Choreographer and director of the performance is internationally renowned ballet artist Edward Clug. Our music for Kekec wiil be released in autumn.
Photo: Boris Zabukovec

30.03.2018 - The new album has been released
On March the 30th, the seventh album Man is not a Beast has been released.You can get your psysical or digital copy following the link https://zalozba-pivec.com/knjigarna/clovek-ni-zver
Welcome and thank you!

07.03.2018 - New album Man is Not a Beast
The new Katalena's album Man is not a Beast is coming out on March 30th.You can preorder it on the folowing link: https://zalozba-pivec.com/knjigarna/clovek-ni-zver-prednarocilo
The album will be also available at our promotional gig at Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, on April 5th.
Cordially invited to join us!

02.10.2017 - Katalena: New album in the works and set for release next Spring.
Katalena is intensively works on a new album for the last six month.The band will present the new album in April and tour it around Slovenia and abroad.
Photo: Peter Giodani

04.05.2017 - One more year behind us
Since Katalena is about to celebrete their 16th anniversity we decided to play a concert for you on a really nice spot in our capital, which Ljubljana Caste for sure is. Before this we are going to play in Bulgaria's capital Sofia on June 1st.This is our first apperance there and we are very excited about this.
Hope to see you around!
21.03.2016 - The 15th Anniversary Concert
The Katalena band memebers are preparing special programme fot their 15th Anniversary.The concert is going to be on Thursday, May 12, 8.30 PM at SitiTeater in Ljubljana.
You are cordially invited to join us!

30.03.2015 - A new album, promotional concert and a new performance entitled Enci Benci Katalenci
KATALENA: ENCI BENCI KATALENCIAfter four years since Noč čarovnic/The Night of the Witches was released, Katalena – one of the most prominent Slovenian bands inhabiting borderline territories of popular, folk, traditional and urban – is back with their sixth album entitled Enci benci Katalenci.
Enci benci Katalenci is based on children’s counting rhymes and thus primarily aimed for children audience. But regardless of its subject it still follows creative standards Katalena has been setting to its music for the past 14 years, so one might say that it has been conceived for children and adults alike.
Although the core of Katalena’s latest musical wanderings draws from the numerous counting rhymes collected in a children’s book called Enci benci na kamenci, their content has been significantly restructured, reshaped, revamped and altered musically as well as textually to maintain the high degree of originality which has always been one of Katalena’s strongest and most valuable traits.
Counting rhymes are distinctively rhythmical songs – inspiring yet often without meaning. Their primary concern is to appoint the roles of those involved before the start of the game. Counting rhymes are games in themselves – games of serendipitous nature that hold a considerable effect for the future. In compare to children’s games the games adults play are predominantly goal oriented and require a winner. Children’s games are often liberated from these constraints and it is precisely this type of freedom that Katalena band is pursuing in their latest project.
Enci benci Katalenci is first and foremost an album for all who dare to play with the inner child.
Promotional concert will be held at Druga godba festival at Kino Šiška on May 30, 2015. You are cordially invited to join us.
KATALENA: Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo
Premiere, May 9, 2015 at Cankarjev dom, Linhartova hall
For their new music project entitled Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo Katalena have found inspiration in counting rhymes, those deeply rhythmic songs replete with mysterious words, used by children for "counting out," e.g. for choosing who shall be "It" in a game of tag...
Music: Katalena (live)
Director: Ivana Djilas
Scenography: Gregor Lorenci
Costumography: Jelena Proković
More info and tickets: www.cankarjevdom.si

03.03.2015 - Katalena finished recording of their 6th album
Katalena has just finished recording of a new album. The album will be out in the middle of Spring. The band will present new songs at Druga godba festival followed by promotional concerts around the counrty and abroad.
02.01.2015 - New Year, New Album, New ...
Dear Fans,We wish you a Happy New Year, filled with joy and tones of good music!
Since we relased the last album it"s been almost four years. In this time we did a lot of things. In between we were working also on the new songs for the new album.
Next month we are going to the studio and we are really looking forward to this.
The album will be out in Spring 2015.
You can hear some of our new tunes on the upcoming concerts.
See you soon!

01.06.2014 - Summer gigs and a new album
We are happy to announce that we start to prepare a new album which will be released in spring 2015. In the meanwhile you can catch us on the gigs in Celje, Bergantino (Italy), Ruše, Novo mesto, Auditorium Portorož (Slovenian Film festival).
19.12.2013 - Videos: Katalena@Kino Šiška

19.10.2013 - Katalena from all sides @ Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
Katalena, Patty Diphusa, Vesna Zornik & TangoApasionada, Narat, The PuzzledGuests: Neca Falk, Tri Zdrave Marije, Sinbad 0016
What began in 2001 still persists. In the time that has passed since, Katalena, the band that comes from Ljubljana and plays Slovenian folk music, has released five albums, performed close to 500 gigs, travelled countless kilometres by car, van and plane, and produced four babies. So far.
What began in 2001 has not come to an end. Not that it has been seeking to. Katalena is not just a band that comes from Ljubljana and plays Slovenian folk music. It is also a creative team, a group of individuals who in all these years recorded a number of albums either solo or in various connections, and participated in theatre and dance shows, films, literary events, official state celebrations and motorcycle rallies. To celebrate twelve years since the beginning of this period that began in 2001 and shall not and will not stop, Katalena will be performing on the Katedrala stage in Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, thinking of everything that has happened so far, appearing in some of the disguises representing this period. Patty Diphusa aka Boštjan Gombač, Tango Apasionada of Vesna Zornik, Narat as singer-songwriter, The Puzzled of Tibor Mihelič Syed, Sinbadove muze of Polona Janežič … And, naturally, Katalena, the very band that comes from Ljubljana and plays Slovenian folk music.
Katalena from all sides is a one-off event, mostly comprising music, but also elements of theatre; a mini festival and celebration of joint creativity featuring more than 20 performers.
Katalena (Vesna Zornik, Boštjan Narat, Boštjan Gombač, Polona Janežič, Tibor Mihelič Syed, Robert Rebolj)
Patty Diphusa (Boštjan Gombač, Žiga Golob, Sergej Ranđelovič)
Vesna Zornik and TangoApasionada (Vesna Zornik, Metod Banko, Rok Koritnik, Nikola Matošić, Ernest Miklič)
Narat (Boštjan Narat, Matevž Kolenc, Polona Janežič, Blaž Celarec, Jelena Ždrale)
The Puzzled (Tibor Mihelič Syed, Marko Brdnik, Mario Babojelić, Marko Lasič)
Neca Falk (accompanying musicians: Boštjan Gombač, Boštjan Narat, Žiga Golob)
Tri Zdrave Marije (Ana Duša, Vesna Zornik, Polona Janežič)
Sinbad 0016
Tickets info:

25.01.2013 - New year, new project
Katalena is preparing a new project for you.We will give you more details soon.
Until then you are welcome to join us on our concerts.

01.06.2012 - Katalena is back
After a short break we are back and we are really looking forward to a summer gigs.Here are some concert dates:
2012-06-29 - Park doživetij, Festival Lent
2012-07-06 - Šentjakob, Avstrija
2012-08-20 - Trnfest
2012-08-22 - Jeff, Koper
2012-08-25 - Črnfest, Črnomelj

01.06.2011 - Katelena promoting new album
Katalena will promote their new album during the summer and autumn in Slovenia and abroad.Here a some dates:
Križanke, Slovenia
Vilenica, Slovenia
Dnevi poezije in vina, Ptuj, Slovenia
Izola, Manziolijev trg, Slovenia
Carinthian Summer, Villach, Austria
Hiša Layer, Kranj, Slovenia
Metlika, Slovenia
Kromberk, Slovenia
Festival Lent, Slovenia
A38 Ship, Budapest, Hungary
Ptuj, Minoritski samostan, Slovenia
Pri Rdeči Ostrigi, Škofja Loka, Slovenia

01.04.2011 - New album
Katalena released new album Noč čarovnic - Night of the Witches on April 1st.You can listen the album on our web page and you are very welcome to visit some of our concerts during the Summer.
You can order a new album via email:info@katalena.net

21.06.2009 - Presenting Špic-Cvak!
Ballet dance to Katalena music will took place in Ljubljana, Cankarjev dom, on October 12th at 20.00h!Špic-Cvak!
Katalena, Edward Clug, Valentina Turcu and the dancers of The Slovene National Theatre (SNG) Maribor Ballet Company
A meeting of the folk and the contrived, ancient and modern, simple and sophisticated
It is the contrasts between Katalena and the ballet and choreographic team Valentina Turcu and Edward Clug that inspire the musical and dance performance Špic-cvak!. On stage folk simplicity intertwines with the sophistication of the ballet movement, the hardness of a guitar riff mixes with the softness of a plié – in like manner the old folk songs find expression in new visual and representational worlds. The modern kolednik, traditionally a folk singer whose song ushered spring, is a regular feature of the tabloids, elves chatter away on their mobiles, and the wind no longer shakes the barley except in the minds of men. The story is substituted by a stream of images, just as the fragmentation of modern life shatters the ancient, mythic unity of life. The folk tradition is transformed into the urban; the urban remembers the folk and in this way redeems the long forgotten and the lost. Špic-cvak! traces the outlines of this remembering by bringing together the protagonists of the old songs and their interpreters, who suddenly find themselves at the heart of a tale.
Kindly invited!
Tickets for the concerts Špic-Cvak! can be purchased at the Cankarjev dom Information Centre / Box Office (Maximarket lower arcade), Prešernova 10. Open weekdays from 11 a. m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p. m. to 8 p. m., Saturdays from 11 a. m. ro 1 p. m., and one hour before the performance. Tickets can be puchased also on internet: www.cd-cc.si.

30.05.2009 - Summer tour
Check out the dates of our slovene summer tour in the Live chapter. We proudly and happily present our shows in Austria, Villach (Carinthian summer) on July 17th, and Croatia, Split (Ethnoambient Salona) on July 18th as well.Kindly welcome, hope to see you!
22.05.2008 - Cvik cvak! has been released
Our 4th album is out in the stores, but at the time only across Slovenia. You can check it out in Discography section and if you wish to purchase a copy, please send us an email with your adress and Cvik cvak! will be send to you immediately! Please, feel free to send your opinion regarding our music as well...07.05.2008 - Cvik cvak!
In these days we are proud to announce that we are finishing our fourth album with the title Cvik cvak! The new album is entirely dedicated to the musical heritage of the Resia valley. The big presentation will take place on May 28th in Križanke open air theatre of Ljubljana, at the closing of the Druga Godba festival. The enlistment of the songs on the new album is very diverse, and therefore the album functions as a musical reflection, or a collection of musical essays on a given subject. The remote alpine valley of Resia is placed in the western Julian Alps in the Italian state territory. It is a small community of approximately 1200 people in 7 villages, that speak a very special language. It is actually a dialect, whose grammar is very different from Slovenian and is full of archaic words, that we don't use anymore. Their musical heritage is rich, and above all, so different than everything else. In comparison with the first three albums, we think we have reached even further in creating the original music on the foundation of a traditional tune. The novelty is also collaboration with a musician and the producer Aldo Ivančič. Aldo has signed very diverse musical projects /Bast, Borghesia... /. His style is investigative and innovative. We share a fascination with the Resian music and a wish to make an homage to this remote piece of land. The creative process was very balanced and inspiring, and we hope we have made an album that will bring a new contribution to the interest in Resian, and Slovenian musical legacy in general. The album Cvik cvak! is being published by Dallas Records. Design is in the hands of Ivian Kan Mujezinović again. Matej Šekli phd dialectologist from the Institute For Slovenian Language helped us great deal with the resian words. The album finally goes to printing at the end of this week, and the first single "Lisïca" will be out by than too.
15.04.2008 - New album coming soon
Katalena is currently working on their 4th album. In the seventh year the band is searching for new ways of its creativity. The chosen producer for this project is Aldo Ivancic. The new album will be dedicated to musical heritage of Resia and it should be out in May.Quote about Resian music: "There were festivities and dance. All night long I was listening to the buzz and rumbling of the bass. Tonic-dominant, tonic-dominant in the fast four quarter bar repeating endlessly without stopping or pausing all night long. There was something mischievous and devilish in this. The air was opaque with steam and evaporating wine. Pale wakeful faces with that glazed look in their eyes. Tightly packed crowd of dancing couples who were raving wildly and quietly in a steam of sweat, like obsessed with demons. It was like a picture from 'Inferno'..."
(Julius Kugy, 1925)